001    // Copyright 2006-07 Regents of the University of California.  May be used 
002    // under the terms of the revised BSD license.  See LICENSING for details.
003    /** 
004     * @author Adrian Mettler 
005     */
006    package org.joe_e;
008    /**
009     * Marker interface for annotating classes that are indistinguishable from
010     * a shallow copy of themselves.
011     * <p>
012     * Joe-E requires that classes that implement this interface must
013     * meet all of the following obligations:
014     * <ol>
015     * <li> All instance fields must be final.
016     * <li> The class cannot be equatable.
017     * <li> The object identity of instances of the class is not visible  This can
018     *   be satisfied by either of:
019     *   <ol>
020     *   <li> The superclass implements Selfless; or,
021     *   <li> The class's superclass is java.lang.Object, the class overrides
022     *        <code>equals()</code>, and doesn't call <code>super.equals()</code>. 
023     *   </ol>
024     * <li> The object provides a hash code that does not reveal object identity.
025     *   This requirement is enforced by including hashCode() in the interface.
026     * </ol>
027     * <p>
028     * The Joe-E verifier ensures that Joe-E code cannot distinguish a
029     * shallow copy of a Selfless object from the original object.
030     * 
031     * @see Equatable
032     */
033    public interface Selfless {
034        int hashCode();
035        /*
036        boolean equals(Object obj);
037        */
038    }